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Study Zone Institute

Goose the bird: Download FREE worksheet on this animal group

Goose Bird Worksheet

Goose is a bird that is a waterfowl which travels in a flock. It is larger than a duck and has a long neck. It utters loud honking or gabbling cries while on the wing or when danger appears. A goose is a powerful, high-flying bird that travels in V-formations …

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Crow the bird: Download FREE worksheet on this animal group

Crow Bird worksheet

Crow is a bird that lives in treetops, fields, roadsides, open woods and empty beaches in most parts of the world. It eats almost anything like earthworms, insects, seeds, fruit, garbage, and other small animals. It is known to steal chicks from nests and food from other animals. The crow …

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Chicken the bird: Download FREE worksheet on this animal group

Chicken Bird worksheet

Chicken is a bird that lives in open woodland and sheltered grassland with a flock. It eats seeds, fruit, insects and berries. The chicken has feathers that comes in the colours brown, yellow, red, black, white and orange. A chicken is a fowl or poultry which means it is used …

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Toad the amphibian: Download FREE worksheet on this animal group

Toad Amphibian worksheet

Toad is an amphibian that is rough-skinned and tailless. It lives in small areas and feeds on insects, worms, snails and small animals that it can catch with its sticky tongue, including its own species. The toad hides by day and feeds by night. It comes in the colours brown, …

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Salamander the amphibian: Download FREE worksheet on this animal group

Salamander Amphibian Worksheet Study Zone

Salamander is an amphibian that lives in fresh water and damp woodlands. Some are camouflaged and others are boldly patterned or brightly coloured. A salamander eats insects, worms, snails and other small animals, including their own species. The adult salamander hides by day and feed by night. Use this FREE …

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