Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

Ones place value: Download FREE worksheets on the first digit from right

Ones Place Value

Make learning the place value ones easy with these FREE downloadable worksheets. Students can fill in the blanks, circle and label numbers to understand the topic ones place value fast. In any number, the place value of the first digit from right is called ones or units. This means that …

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Thousands place value: Download FREE worksheets on the fourth digit from right

Thousands Place Value

The thousands place value can be learned easily with these FREE downloadable worksheets. Students can fill in the blanks, circle and label numbers to understand the topic thousands place value fast. In a number with four or more digits, the place value of the fourth digit from right is called …

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Hundreds place value: Download FREE worksheets on the third digit from right

Hundreds Place Value

The hundreds place value can be learned easily with these FREE downloadable worksheets. Students can fill in the blanks, circle and label numbers to understand the topic hundreds place value fast. In a number with three or more digits, the place value of the third digit from right is called …

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Tens place value: Download FREE worksheets on the second digit from right

Tens Place Value

Students can learn the place value tens easily with these FREE downloadable worksheets. They can fill in the blanks, circle and label numbers to understand the topic tens place value fast. In a number with two or more digits, the place value of the second digit from right is called …

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Tens of thousands place value: Download FREE worksheets on the fifth digit from right

Tens of Thousands place value

The tens of thousands place value can be learned easily with these FREE downloadable worksheets. Students can fill in the blanks, circle and label numbers to understand the topic tens of thousands place value fast. In a number with five or more digits, the place value of the fifth digit …

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