Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

AI words: Download 5 free worksheets with this vowel team

ai words

Learn ai words with these fun worksheets to understand the concept of a digraph. This is a pattern of two letters representing one sound in English such as ‘ai’ in paid. Also, the vowel team represents more than one vowel sound making it impossible to decode ai words. Therefore, ai …

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EA words: Download 5 free worksheets with this vowel team

ea words

These fun worksheets can make learning ea words easy to understand the concept of a digraph. This is a pattern of two letters representing one sound in English such as ‘ea’ in please. Also, the vowel team represents more than one vowel sound making it impossible to decode ea words. …

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EE words: Download 5 free worksheets with this vowel team

ee words

Have fun learning ee words with these free worksheets to understand the concept of a digraph. This is a pattern of two letters representing one sound in English. Also, the vowel team represents more than one vowel sound making it impossible to decode ee words. Therefore, ee words are sight …

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EI words: Download 5 free worksheets with this vowel team

ei words

Make learning ei words fun with these worksheets to understand the concept of a digraph. This is a pattern of two letters representing one sound in English. Also, the vowel team represents more than one vowel sound making it impossible to decode ei words. Therefore, ei words are sight words …

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EY words: Download 5 free worksheets with this vowel team

ey words

Students can learn ey words with these fun worksheets to understand the concept of a digraph. This is a pattern of two letters representing one sound in English. Also, the vowel team represents more than one vowel sound making it impossible to decode ey words. Therefore, ey words are sight …

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