Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

Bear Beer Bare: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

Bear Beer Bare

Have fun with homophones Bear Beer Bare with these free worksheets to learn meaning and trace them for practise. Meanings of the words Bear Beer Bare Here are the meanings of the words Bear Beer Bare, with examples in sentences. Bear – a furry animal e.g. A big brown bear …

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Dear Deer Dare: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

Dear Deer Dare

These free worksheets are a fun way to learn homophones Dear Deer Dare as you can match the meanings and trace the words for practise. Meanings of the words Dear Deer Dare Here are the meanings of the words Dear Deer Dare, with examples in sentences. Dear – 1. used …

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Fair Fear Fare: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

Fair Fear Fare

The homophones Fair Fear Fare can be learned easily with these free worksheets. You can learn meaning and trace the words for practise. Meanings of the words Fair Fear Fare Here are the meanings of the words Fair Fear Fare, with examples in sentences. Fair – 1. reasonable 2. pretty …

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Hair Here Hare: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

Hair Here Hare

Same sound English words Hair Here Hare can be made easy with these free worksheets. Learn meaning and trace these homophones while having fun. Meanings of the words Hair Here Hare Here are the meanings of the words Hair Here Hare, with examples in sentences. Hair – fine threadlike strands …

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Pair Pear Peer Pier: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

Pair Pear Peer Pier

Telling the difference between the homophones Pair Pear Peer Pier can be made easy with these free worksheets. Learn and trace these same sound English words while having fun. Meanings of the words Pair Pear Peer Pier Here are the meanings of the words Pair Pear Peer Pier, with examples …

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