Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

Tech in the classroom for all learning styles

Keyboard. Tech.

When a giant screen turns on in a classroom, have you ever noticed how quickly the faces of the students glow with amazement? They have no idea what’s about to show but they feel enthusiastic to find out. They know it’s for educational purposes but who cares what it’s for? …

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Personalised learning in the classroom

Resources. Personalised learning.

The personalised learning approach takes into account each student’s needs and preferences in the classroom. A teacher knows each student’s strengths, weaknesses, preferred learning styles, behaviours and special needs. The teacher designs instructions that are student-centred and that allow them to learn at their own pace.  Although this approach requires …

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What is a cash discount and how to record it?

Cash discount

A cash discount is a reduction of the cost of an item or service that a seller offers to a buyer to encourage cash payment for an immediate or outstanding invoice. A seller offers cash discounts to obtain cash quickly to pay off debts and invest the money back into …

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Parents help students: Tips for home work

Parents help.

No one wants to be labelled “a bad parent” especially when it comes to their children’s education. All parents help their children by providing the necessities for school such as books, clothing and lunch. But, when it comes to schoolwork, some parents are lost. Here are some tips for parents …

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End sound g: Download free worksheet, trace, colour and fill

End sound g

Use this free worksheet to get children familiar with the end sound g in words. Each word can be traced, has a picture to colour, and a space to fill in the end sound g. Click the link or image to download worksheet to start tracing, colouring and writing. Let …

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