Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

Peer, pier, pear and pair: Spot the homophones

words in dictionary

By Joyanne James. Can you spot the difference between the sounds peer, pier, pear and pair? In some English varieties such as in Caribbean countries, they are all homophones, while in other varieties peer and pier are similar and pear and pair are similar. Have some fun with homophones by …

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Bad grades: Tips for students, parents, teachers

Stationery. Undisciplined Student. Bad grades.

Bad grades can be very disappointing for students, parents and teachers. Added to the issues that caused the bad grades, students feel even worse with the results. Parents feel let down with bad grades after they have provided their children with everything they need. Teachers feel like failures after their …

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Outspoken student: Let him be heard

Voice recorder. Outspoken student. Memory development.

The outspoken student has an opinion about almost anything. This student answers every question the teacher puts forward. He also has a counter argument for the points made by other students. CLICK HERE to Improve Spelling and Reading Skills with 10 BOOKS OF SHORT STORIES with rimes. Some teachers and …

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Quiet student needs to be heard too

About. Quiet student. Report writing.

The quiet student is the most misunderstood person in the classroom. This student hardly ever speaks or does it inaudibly when asked a question. She barely interacts with her peers and never volunteers to participate in activities. She acts cowardly during presentations but does fairly good written work. Teachers do …

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Lazy student: Keeping the class lively

Students. Lazy student. Literary devices.

The lazy student is sluggish, fatigued, and unresponsive. This student comes to class, sits at the back and naps for the entire period. Some teachers interrupt their sessions continuously just to wake up the lazy student. Others ignore the indolence that remains out of sight behind the other students with …

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