Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

Focus exercises usage in the classroom

Binoculars. Unfocused student. Focus exercises. Lack of focus.

Whether a class consists of nine-year-olds, teenagers or adults, focus exercises are very helpful. People are unfocussed for many different reasons. They may have a mental, physical or behavioural delay, problems at home or a poor diet. Some may be stressed, have Attention Deficit Disorder, a short attention span or lack …

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Active learning and types of students

Camera. Active learning.

With active learning, the term speaks for itself, students are actively involved in the learning process. There is no chalk and talk at the front of the classroom by a teacher. There is an entire class of students engaged in the lesson. CLICK HERE to Improve Spelling and Reading Skills …

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In-demand tech jobs in the next decade

Tech jobs

In this new era of change, the tech industry will be the engine that propels humanity’s growth and development in the post-pandemic era. If you want to advance your career and participate in the global digitisation trend with a bright economic future, read this article. We’ll walk you through the …

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Descriptive Writing: Elements that create imagery

photographers standing on rocky coast and shooting waving sea

If you are asked to describe a perfect day at the beach, then a particular experience or images of the topic may come to mind. Either one, your aim is to explain what makes the day at the beach ideal. Descriptive writing evokes emotions from the reader by creating sensory …

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Reading lessons: Change someone’s life now

Reading lessons. Narrative writing. Cheerful multiethnic students studying together in campus park

Get ready to teach someone to read immediately. While there are many strategies used by educators that work tremendously, these reading lessons are tailored for a mom, dad, sister, brother or friend who wants to help a struggling reader. You are not required to have teaching experience or some kind …

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