Feature Articles

Study Zone Institute

Top 10 users of accounting information

Users of accounting information

The financial records of a company are important to many persons, businesses and institutions for several reasons. These users of accounting information have their own interests in the success of a business which is why accuracy is so important. Users of accounting information are divided into internal and external users. …

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Learning resources for active learning

Stationery. Learning Resources. Get a job or pass exams.

Teachers and parents can promote active learning using various learning resources. Here are some ideas to encourage children to develop their cognitive and motor skills while having fun. Cards and buzzing learning resources They can play guessing games with the use of flash cards and buzzers. Questions can be created …

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7 Effective ways to improve your academic writing skills

Academic writing skills

Academic writing is the formal type of writing that is used in universities and scholarly publications. It is commonly used in writing journal articles, books, essays, or any academic topic. It is the phase that everyone has to go through in their university or college life. This phase is not …

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Attentive student always ready for details

Stickies. Attentive Student.

The attentive student is a teacher’s charm. This student diligently pays attention to every word, note and instruction given. She notices the clues hinted in case studies before anyone else. She identifies meaning in figurative speech and spots errors made in questions. In a traditional classroom setting, these students are …

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5 Benefits of converting PDF to SVG format for students


A classroom is a place where you need demonstrations of various documents. When you are transferring files, these files are normally in PDF format. Teachers do need files in a more distinctive form, for that it is necessary to convert them into an editable file format. SVG is one of …

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