Feature Articles


10 Vacation activities to keep your brain sharp this summer

Vacation activities

Summer vacation! Time for relaxation, late nights, and catching up on sleep. But before you completely switch off your learning mode, consider this: summer can also be a prime time to keep your brain sharp and prepared with vacation activities for the upcoming challenges at school, especially those crucial standardised …

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Start a business and be your own boss: A guide for young entrepreneurs

Start a business

Ever spent hours coding video games, designing clothes, or whipping up amazing cupcakes and wished you could share your passion with the world? Well, you’re not too young to turn that dream into a reality! Start a business with your own ideas and skills! Maybe you’ve noticed a gap in …

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Too much sugar? Why you should chill on the sweet stuff now

Too much sugar

Sugar! It’s everywhere – in those delicious cookies you love, the juice you chug after practice, and even that white bread sandwich you have for lunch. But hold on a sec, sugar isn’t just the sweet stuff you find in candy. It’s also hiding in starchy foods like potatoes, bread, …

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Why are teachers leaving for tech jobs?

Teachers leaving

“Those who can, do, those who can’t, teach.” This age-old adage might have held some truth in the past, but today’s reality paints a different picture. Today, classrooms are facing a crisis – teachers leaving the profession in droves for the tech industry. A sudden aversion to teaching doesn’t drive …

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Glow up for later: Why skincare now pays off big time


Let’s face it, you probably rock some seriously amazing skin right now. It’s that natural, youthful glow that most people would die for. But here’s the thing: even the most radiant skin needs TLC (tender loving care). Sure, you might not have wrinkles or breakouts to worry about just yet, …

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