“EAR” is a trigraph that makes a special sound in English. There are many EAR words to learn. Some are short like “hear”, and others are longer like “nuclear”. This list helps you learn the meaning of these EAR words and how to spell them correctly.
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List of EAR words
ear: He is deaf in the left ear.
bear: The bear walked through the forest.
dear: I wrote a letter to my dear friend.
fear: I felt fear when I saw the storm.
gear: I put on my hiking gear.
hear: I can hear the music playing.
near: The park is near my house.
pear: I ate a juicy pear.
rear: The car has a spare tyre in the rear.
sear: The chef will sear the steak on the grill.
tear: I shed a tear when I said goodbye.
wear: I wear a hat in the sun.
year: There are 365 days in a year.
drear: A sense of drear clung to the old abandoned house.
shear: The farmer will shear the sheep for their wool.
smear: I like to smear butter on my bread.
swear: I swear to tell the truth.
spear: The hunter threw his spear at the fish.
beard: My grandfather has a long white beard.
clear: The sky is clear and blue.
arrear: I am in arrear with my rent, I am two months behind.
Linear: The road is linear, it goes straight.
appear: The magician will appear suddenly.
earshot: I was within earshot of the concert.
eyewear: I need new eyewear to see better.
nuclear: Nuclear energy can be dangerous.
earpiece: I put on my earpiece to listen to music.
earring: Her ear sparkled with a diamond earring.
yearbook: I have my high school yearbook.
spearhead: He will spearhead the new project.
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