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Explore the world of EER words with this comprehensive word list and examples.

EER words: From deer to engineer, learn with word list and examples

The letters “EER” together make a special sound in English. This is called a trigraph. There are many EER words. Some are short like “deer”, and others are longer like “volunteer”. This list helps you learn the meaning of these words and how to spell them correctly.

Why is this list helpful?

You can improve your spelling by practising these EER words.

You can learn the meanings of new words.

Learning these EER words can be fun!

When you use our spelling word list, feel free to share your creativity to be published on this website at contact@studyzoneinstitute.com.

CLICK HERE to Improve Spelling and Reading Skills with 10 books filled with difficult English words.

List of EER words

beer: I drank a cold beer on a hot day.

deer: The deer gracefully crossed the road.

jeer: The crowd began to jeer at the losing team.

peer: I could not peer through the foggy window.

sneer: I sneer at his attempts to impress me.

eerie: The old house had an eerie atmosphere.

steer: The captain will steer the ship through the storm.

cheer: The people usually cheer loudly for the winning team.

sheer: The cliff dropped down in a sheer drop.

career: I hope to have a successful career in medicine.

pioneer: The pioneers explored the uncharted wilderness.

domineer: The boss tried to domineer his employees.

engineer: The engineer designed the bridge.

reindeer: Santa Claus uses reindeer to pull his sleigh.

musketeer: The musketeer drew his sword.

gadgeteer: The gadgeteer invented a new and useful device.

rocketeer: The rocketeer soared through the sky.

puppeteer: The puppeteer made the puppets dance.

buccaneer: The buccaneer searched for treasure.

volunteer: I volunteer at the local animal shelter.

racketeer: The racketeer demanded protection money.

See also:

Trigraph: Spell better with 19 word lists of 3-letter graphemes

EAR words: Learn trigraph list with homophone guide

OUGH words: Learn 7 English sounds with these word lists

EE in words: 12 lists of rimes for spelling activities

EA in words: 15 lists of rimes for spelling activities

Master spelling with 100-plus word lists and guide on syllable, onset, rime and rhyme

4 Letters – one sound: Improve spelling with 5 word lists of 4-letter graphemes

Bear Beer Bare: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

Dear Deer Dare: Download free worksheets to learn homophones

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