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Download 'O-E Long O' word list

Pattern ‘O-E long O’ sound in ‘home’: Download free word list and worksheet

Learning to read is an exciting journey filled with discoveries. However, deciphering the various sounds letters can make often presents a challenge, especially for young learners and those acquiring it as a Second Language. One such hurdle is the long O sound, which can be spelled in several ways. This article focusses on the ‘O-E long O’ pattern, also known as the O-consonant-E pattern.

The O-E duo represents the long O sound, as in the words ‘rose’, ‘home’, and ‘joke’. It’s important to remember that the letter O by itself usually makes a short O sound, like in ‘dog’ and ‘on’. However, the silent “e” at the end of a syllable changes the game, transforming the O into the long O sound.

Here’s where powerful learning resources come in. By utilising our free downloadable word list and worksheet focussing on the ‘O-E long O’ sound, children can encounter and practise numerous words that follow this pattern.

This is crucial because memorising every word in the English language is simply not an achievable feat. Not all children have access to vast libraries or read extensively enough to stumble upon every word they might need.

Download 'O-E Long O' word list

Why learn ‘O-E long O’ sound?

This is where phonics comes to the rescue. By learning phonics, young learners and English Language Learners (ELLs) build a foundation for understanding how sounds are represented by letters. This empowers them to decode new words they encounter, rather than solely relying on memorisation.

Imagine a child coming across the word ‘note’ for the first time. With knowledge of the O-E long O sound, they can confidently sound it out, rather than hoping they’ve seen it before in a book. Phonics equips them with the tools to tackle new vocabulary and become more independent readers.

A downloadable word list and worksheet on the ‘O-E long O’ sound is a valuable tool for educators and parents alike. It provides a structured approach to learning these tricky words, paving the way for stronger reading skills in young learners and ELLs. So, ditch the rote memorisation and embrace the power of phonics – it’s a gift that keeps on giving in the wonderful world of reading!

See also:

Long O: Unmask 7 faces of the sound, word list, teaching tips

Letter ‘O long O’ sound in ‘old’: Download free word list and worksheet

Have fun with ‘OA long O’ sound in ‘boat’: Download free word list and worksheet

Grasp the rare ‘OE long O’ sound in ‘toe’: Download free word list and worksheet

Master the tricky ‘OW long O’ sound in ‘show’: Download free word list and worksheet

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