OO Stories is filled with words that have OO representing four different sounds. It is a digraph in most words but not those with “oor” as in “floor” which is a trigraph.
This fun book of OO stories is useful for story time, spelling improvement classes, poetry sessions, phonological and phonemic awareness lessons, reading intervention programmes, adult literacy classes, and English as a second language classes. Stories are entertaining and suitable for anyone who enjoys rhymes.
Words with OO in them are displayed in full bloom in this exciting and entertaining book of short stories with colourful illustrations for readers to grasp the concept of words with the same rimes and the different sounds letters make with the presence of other letters.

OO Stories book for improving spelling and reading
Children of all ages will see and hear the words “food”, “book”, “door” and “flood” in one book and learn that the vowel sounds in all these words do not sound the same even though they look the same.
The OO Stories book comes in both e-book and paperback formats for your pleasure. It is one of a series of fun books that are having a spelling party on the inside.
About OO Stories
The author of OO Stories is Joyanne James and publisher is Culturama Publishing Company. It was launched in December 2022 as part of a 10-book series called Improve Spelling and Reading Skills on Amazon. There are also AI Stories, EA Stories, EE Stories, EI Stories, EY Stories, IE Stories, OA Stories, OU Stories and OW Stories that are all having their own fun with words.
OO Stories is educational material that supports articles on phonics found on Study Zone Institute. The website offers students, parents and teachers – instructions, word lists, posters and videos to help improve spelling skills, understand rime and rhyme, sharpen phonological and phonemic awareness, decode faster and read fluently.
OO in the word list
Use the word list below at home or in the classroom. Create posters, flashcards, write poems or use for journaling.
too, woo, zoo, igloo
blood, good, wood, hood, stood, food, flood, mood
goof, hoof, poof, proof, roof, spoof, woof
boogie, scrooge, stooge, googly
book, cook, crook, hook, jook, look, nook, took, shook, spook, cookie
cool, drool, fool, pool, school, spool, stool, tool, wool
boom, broom, bloom, doom, gloom, groom, loom, room, zoom
moon, noon, soon, spoon, toon, saloon, maroon, balloon
coop, poop, droop, hoop, loop, scoop, stoop, snoop, swoop, whoop, troop, blooper
door, floor, poor, moor
choose, goose, loose, moose, noose, boost, swoosh
boot, foot, loot, moot, root, soot, scoot, shoot, toot
tooth, booth
ooze, booze, snooze
doozy, woozy
poodle, doodle, noodle, toodles
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