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Social media apps: 10 ways to boost your studies

Social media apps, often seen as a distraction, can be a powerful tool for students. It isn’t just for scrolling through endless feeds. It’s a treasure trove of information, connection, and learning opportunities. With the right approach, you can leverage these platforms to enhance your learning experience and improve your grades. Let’s explore how to make the most of social media apps for academic success.  

10 Ways to learn with social media apps

1. Follow educational accounts with social media apps

Social media apps have transformed the way we consume information, turning complex topics into easily digestible content. Whether you’re a science enthusiast or a history buff, there’s an abundance of educational accounts waiting to be discovered. From renowned experts sharing their insights to prestigious universities offering online courses, the possibilities are endless.

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter have become hubs for educational content. You can find engaging videos, informative infographics, and thought-provoking articles on a vast array of subjects. By following these accounts, you can stay up-to-date on the latest discoveries, research breakthroughs, and academic trends.

Here are some examples of educational accounts to follow:

Science: National Geographic, Bill Nye the Science Guy, Science Insider

History: History Channel, Crash Course, The British Museum

Math: Numberphile, 3Blue1Brown, Khan Academy

Literature: BookTokers, Meet Up – More Than a Classic Book Club, Literary Hub

Remember to diversify your followings to expose yourself to a wide range of perspectives and information. By actively engaging with educational content on social media, you can enhance your learning experience and develop a deeper understanding of your chosen subjects.

2. Join study groups with social media apps

Social media apps have revolutionised the way students connect and collaborate. By joining study groups on these platforms, you can tap into a valuable resource of support and shared knowledge. Imagine connecting with classmates who are facing the same academic challenges, sharing notes, discussing complex topics, and even getting help with assignments.

Platforms like Facebook, Discord, and Instagram offer a variety of group features specifically designed for these purposes. You can create private groups for your own class or join larger public groups focussed on specific subjects. These platforms allow for real-time communication, file sharing, and the ability to organise group study sessions.

The benefits of joining a study group on social media are numerous. You can gain different perspectives on course material, enhance your understanding of complex concepts through peer-to-peer explanations, and develop essential teamwork and communication skills. Additionally, studying with others can help you stay motivated and accountable, making it easier to stay on top of your coursework.

Remember to balance your time between social media and academic responsibilities. While study groups can be incredibly beneficial, it’s important to avoid excessive screen time. By effectively utilising these platforms, you can create a supportive learning community that enhances your overall academic experience.

3. Utilise hashtags with social media apps

Hashtags are powerful tools that can unlock a world of knowledge within social media apps. By using relevant hashtags, you can delve deep into specific topics and discover a wealth of information. Whether you’re seeking articles, videos, or engaging discussions, hashtags can connect you with a vast community of like-minded individuals.

Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok have mastered the art of hashtag-based discovery. By simply adding a hashtag to your search bar, you can explore a wide range of content related to your interests. For example, searching for #climatechange on Instagram might lead you to informative infographics, expert opinions, and inspiring stories from activists around the world.

However, it’s important to use hashtags strategically. While broad hashtags can reach a larger audience, they may also result in a flood of irrelevant content. To refine your search, consider using a combination of general and specific hashtags. Additionally, explore trending hashtags to discover emerging topics and conversations.

By effectively utilising hashtags, you can transform social media apps into personalised learning platforms. Whether you’re researching for a school project or simply expanding your knowledge, hashtags can be your key to unlocking a world of information.

4. Engage in online discussions with social media apps

Social media apps offer vibrant platforms for engaging in online discussions. By participating in comment sections and forums, you can actively contribute to conversations, share your perspectives, and gain valuable insights from others.

Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter are renowned for fostering robust online communities. These platforms allow you to connect with people who share your interests, ask questions, and engage in thought-provoking debates. By actively participating in these discussions, you can deepen your understanding of a subject, challenge your own viewpoints, and learn from the diverse perspectives of others.

However, it’s important to engage in online discussions respectfully and constructively. Be mindful of your tone and language, and avoid making personal attacks. Aim to contribute meaningful insights and foster a positive and inclusive environment.

By participating in online discussions, you can expand your knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and build valuable connections with people from around the world.

Remember, while social media offers a platform for open dialogue, it’s essential to evaluate information critically and consider multiple perspectives before forming your own opinions.

5. Find inspiration with social media apps

Social media apps can spark your creativity and motivation. Follow accounts that share inspiring stories, quotes, or visuals related to your interests. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok are excellent for visual inspiration.

Instagram is a great place to find visually appealing content that can inspire your creativity. You can follow artists, designers, photographers, and other creative professionals to see their work and get ideas for your own projects.

Pinterest is a platform built around visual inspiration. You can create boards to collect and organise images and videos that you find inspiring. This can be a great way to find new ideas for projects or to simply relax and be inspired.

TikTok is a social media app that is known for its short-form videos. You can find all sorts of inspiring content on TikTok, from dance challenges to educational videos to creative DIY projects.

By following inspiring accounts on social media apps, you can stay motivated and creative. You may also find new interests and hobbies that you never knew you had.

6. Access online courses with social media apps

Social media platforms offer valuable educational resources. Many apps offer free or low-cost online courses, providing an accessible way to acquire new skills, earn certifications, and expand your knowledge base.

Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube have become hubs for educational content creators who share their expertise through engaging videos, tutorials, and interactive sessions.

From learning a new language to mastering coding, the possibilities are vast. You can find courses on a wide range of subjects, catering to diverse interests and learning styles. By following relevant accounts and engaging with educational content, you can create a personalised learning experience that fits seamlessly into your daily routine.

7. Connect with experts with social media apps

Social media has transformed into a dynamic platform for connecting with industry professionals. By interacting with experts in your field of interest, you can gain invaluable insights, ask questions, and explore diverse career paths. Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram offer unique opportunities to engage with thought leaders and build relationships.

Leverage these platforms to follow influential figures, participate in discussions, and contribute your own perspectives. By actively engaging with the community, you can expand your professional network, learn about industry trends, and seek advice from experienced individuals. Remember, building authentic connections takes time and effort. Be genuine, respectful, and eager to learn.

8. Visual learning with social media apps

Social media platforms offer a wealth of visual content, making them ideal for learning. Infographics, diagrams, and images can help to reinforce understanding of complex topics. Platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok are particularly well-suited for visual learning.

Instagram is a platform that is particularly good for visual learning. Its focus on images and videos makes it an ideal place to find infographics, diagrams, and other visual content that can help you to understand complex topics. You can follow accounts that focus on education and learning, and you can also use Instagram to create your own visual content.

Pinterest is another platform that is great for visual learning. It is a platform that is based on images and videos, and it is a great place to find infographics, diagrams, and other visual content that can help you to learn. You can create boards on Pinterest to organise your visual content, and you can also follow other users who are interested in the same topics as you.

TikTok is a platform that is becoming increasingly popular for visual learning. It is a platform that is based on short videos, and it is a great place to find tutorials, demonstrations, and other types of visual content that can help you to learn. You can follow accounts that focus on education and learning, and you can also use TikTok to create your own visual content.

In addition to using social media platforms to find visual content, you can also use them to create your own visual content. This can be a great way to reinforce your understanding of a topic, and it can also be a great way to share your knowledge with others.

9. Stay updated on current events with social media apps

Social media has transformed the way we consume news. By following reputable news outlets and reliable sources on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you can stay informed about global events in real-time. This exposure to current affairs can significantly enrich your essays and class discussions, providing you with fresh perspectives and relevant information.

It’s crucial to cultivate a discerning eye when navigating the digital landscape. Not all information shared on social media is accurate or unbiased. Prioritise accounts affiliated with established news organisations and verify information from multiple sources. By developing a habit of critical thinking and media literacy, you can effectively leverage social media as a valuable tool for staying informed.

Remember, while social media offers quick access to news, it’s essential to complement it with in-depth reporting from traditional news sources. A balanced approach will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of global events.

10. Build your personal brand with social media apps

Social media platforms offer a powerful avenue to construct a professional online identity that showcases your skills and accomplishments. This digital footprint can be invaluable when seeking internships or jobs. Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter serve as effective tools for building a strong personal brand.

By strategically utilising these platforms, you can create a compelling narrative about yourself. Highlight your academic achievements, projects, and extracurricular activities. Share your thoughts and insights on industry trends, demonstrating your knowledge and passion. Remember, consistency is key. Maintain a professional and polished online persona across all platforms.

While social media is undoubtedly a valuable resource, it’s essential to manage your time wisely. Avoid getting distracted by endless scrolling. Instead, focus on creating and sharing content that aligns with your career goals. Set limits on your screen time and prioritise your studies. With mindful use, social media can become a valuable learning tool that complements your academic journey.


Social media apps are a double-edged sword. While they can be a time-waster, they can also be powerful learning tools. By using them wisely and strategically, you can significantly enhance your academic journey. Remember to balance screen time with other activities, and always prioritise your studies. With the right approach, social media apps can become your secret weapon for success.

However, it’s essential to be critical of information found online. Not everything you read on social media apps is accurate. Always verify information from multiple sources before relying on it for your studies.

By harnessing the potential of social media apps, you can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that complements your traditional studies.

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