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Tag Archives: learning to read

Learn ‘AI long A’ sound in ‘wait’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free AI Long A Sound word list.

It is an exciting journey filled with discoveries when learning to read. However, deciphering the various sounds letters can make often presents a challenge. While the letter ‘a’ typically produces a short A sound, like in ‘cat’ or ‘fan’, the ‘ai’ combination unveils a different sound – the long A …

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Explore ‘AY long A’ sound in ‘day’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free AY Long A Sound word list.

The exciting journey of learning to read is filled with discoveries. One key step is understanding how letters make different sounds. While the letter ‘a’ often makes a short A sound, like in ‘man’ and ‘cat’, it can also create a long A sound, as in ‘day’ and ‘play’. Mastering …

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Conquer the rare ‘EA long A’ sound in ‘great’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free EA Long A Sound word list.

English, a language renowned for its complexities, often presents challenges for both native and non-native speakers. One such hurdle lies in the unpredictable nature of vowel sounds, with the letter ‘a’ being a prime culprit as in the uncommon pattern of ‘EA long A’ sound. Words like ‘great’, ‘break’, and …

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Decoding ‘EIGH long A’ sound in ‘eight’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free EIGH long A word list.

With numerous spelling patterns posing challenges to both native and non-native speakers of the English language, teachers can use a little help. One such pattern that often trips up learners is the ‘EIGH long A’ sound. Found in words like ‘eight’, ‘weigh’, and ‘freight’, this spelling combination can be particularly …

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Reading methods evolve: How we teach children to read has changed drastically

Reading methods

For generations, educators have grappled with the most effective ways to unlock the world of literacy for children. This journey, marked by the evolution of reading methods, is a fascinating exploration of pedagogy and its impact on young minds. The history of reading instruction is a testament to our ongoing …

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