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Tag Archives: spelling patterns

Master long sounds: Spelling variations made easy with free downloads

Long Sounds AEIOU.

The tricky English language can be frustrating for learners, especially when it comes to spelling. English has a reputation for being full of “silent letters” and surprising exceptions. Long sounds can be very problematic with so many spelling variations. Long sounds made easy: Free downloads and colouring fun We’ve created …

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Grasp the rare ‘OE long O’ sound in ‘toe’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download 'OE Long O' word list

Mastering the English language can be a complex process, particularly for young learners and those acquiring it as a second language. One such hurdle is the long O sound, which can be spelled in several ways. Among these, the ‘OE’ pattern can be particularly confusing. Here’s where the concept of …

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Learn the rare ‘UI long I’ sound in ‘guide’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free UI Long I word list.

Unlock the secret code! The English language can be a tricky beast for young learners, especially when it comes to those pesky vowel combinations that don’t always follow the rules. One such example is the pattern ‘UI long I’ sound. This ‘UI long I’ sound can trip up even the …

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Decoding ‘EIGH long A’ sound in ‘eight’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free EIGH long A word list.

With numerous spelling patterns posing challenges to both native and non-native speakers of the English language, teachers can use a little help. One such pattern that often trips up learners is the ‘EIGH long A’ sound. Found in words like ‘eight’, ‘weigh’, and ‘freight’, this spelling combination can be particularly …

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Unravel the tricky ‘EY long A’ sound in ‘they’: Download free word list and worksheet

Download free EY long A word list.

Learning to read can be a thrilling adventure, but it’s also filled with twists and turns. One such curveball is the English language’s unpredictable spelling patterns. While many sounds have consistent representations, others, like the long A sound, can be quite tricky. A powerful tool to conquer this challenge lies …

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